October 19, 2012

{ colours and emotions }

My dear blogger friends, it`s Friday!
Today I will not write only about my project and work design,
I have been doing lately.
Lot`s of emotions come from my heart and I think, I
need to share with you.
On these two pictures ( instagram/anita) are my DIY-tags
for my dear friend and my made of honour who lives
in Munchen and I am going to visit her tomorrow
for couple of days.
So, so, happy,....:-))

But not I am not only happy, my happy  emotions
are mixed with little bit of anxiety,
becouse I am going by myself ( with my dear sister),
I mean without my girls ( my children) and my housband.
This is the first time I leave them, it`s very strange.
But I know they will be alright, I also know they are not,
only my little girls, they are little person with their own personality
and someday they will have to go, knowing the basic thing,
this is a process of growing up, not only for them,
but in the first place for me as a mother, as a person
in my heart and my soul.
These words just jump out  from the bottom of my
heart and I know that some of you are mothers, some of
you are not, but you are daughters for sure, and hope
you know what I am trying to tell you.

have a nice magic weekend


  1. Potpuno te razumijem i nadam se da će ti biti lijepo na putu,vjerujem da će te cure jako poželjeti..ugodan dan!

  2. Nisam mama, ali nastojim razumjeti. Veseli se vremenu pred tobom, a zatim povratku. Vidjet ćeš i koliko si im nedostajala, a onda će vaša ljubav još više doći do izražaja. Znam da kasnim s komentarom, ali eto. Nadam se da je sad već sve prošlo. :)

  3. Anita, slike su predivne kao i sve što si napisala :)
    Lipo se provedi :)
